Ideal woman

The question from an interview:

What, in your opinion, are the requirements of a strong, Mature man for a woman who will be admired, loved and respected for many years? What is it, the ideal of a woman in the family?

Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If we are talking about an intelligent, harmonious family, we assume the Union of two individuals, developed intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. In such a family, spouses can and want to share signs of love and respect with each other. As the historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky wrote, "" Men usually love the women they respect; women respect the men they love."

A lovable woman. A woman who is close to the ideal, worthy of the love and respect of a man, has femininity and beauty, grace and well-groomed. She is characterized by softness and peacefulness in character, smoothness in movements and gestures, she has a soft, pleasant voice. She is always calm, does not fuss and even in a stressful situation does not lose her composure. Radiates cheerfulness and positivity. Habitually takes the position of ""author"", that is, a person who is responsible for his words, actions and actions.

The ideal woman does not fight with men, because she has weaned herself without the need to fight. It's a bad habit for her. A woman can use her military Arsenal only by winning a man, when she seduces, flirts, plays and this pleases the man, who, in turn, tries to win her.

The ideal woman is a carrier of culture and beauty, and this begins with the beauty and culture of her body: her gestures, movements and gait are always beautiful and graceful. A woman who is interesting to a worthy man has an aristocratic taste and style, high manners. She is intelligent, well-educated, well-mannered, erudite, always in development. For her husband, she is an interesting, deep conversationalist and best friend.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The ideal woman is the Muse of her man, but not an attachment to him. It is self-sufficient. She knows her goals, can make decisions independently and be effective, has an inner core and the ability of a strong leader, reason and will, is guided by logic, and respects the principles of male culture. He knows the techniques of time management, self-organization and self-discipline. In life, he has high values and follows his mission.

A woman who has the necessary upbringing and is prepared for family life has high demands on her man as a husband. She chooses her husband not only with her heart, but also with her mind, and one of the most important requirements for men is decency. Her man appreciates her, respects her opinion, and she will never allow disrespect to herself. On the other hand, she treats her husband with absolute respect. If her husband makes a request or gives her a task, she does it, not discusses it. She is proud of the fact that her husband is the head of the family, and knows how to be submissive to her husband, so that he does not have to repeat, achieve his own, wait, persuade and discuss again.

A real woman is caring, but not out of pity, but solely out of a sense of love. She loves wisely, manages affection. She knows how to love faithfully, building relationships so that there is no place for jealousy and painful attachments.

The ideal woman is always in a good mood, warm and friendly, and even in difficult situations for her expresses regret instead of discontent, does not throw tantrums, does not react impulsively, shows male resilience in the face of difficulties, demonstrates endurance and tolerance. She does not play at suffering and helplessness, does not blame or justify herself, but behaves confidently as the author of her life, charging others with her energy and optimism.