The Ethical Typology of Identity. Ethicotypes

The major key of the Synthon Method is the idea of ethicotypes (the typology method by prof. N.Kozlov), which are various ways of living, different in their levels of ethics.

The typology itself is based on two axes: who a person takes care of, and at whose expense he/she does it. The intersection of these axes creates four semantic areas:

  • Taking care of yourself and at your own expense
  • Taking care of yourself at someone else’s expense
  • Taking care of yourself and others at your own expense
  • Taking care of yourself and others at someone else’s expense

The most accurate definitions for those types would be Consumer, Parasite, Creator, and Dreamer.

Consumers exist taking care of themselves but doing it fairly, at their own expense, not imprinting other’s rights. Parasites take care of just themselves, not caring for the means and money; parasites are able to do it unfairly, at someone else’s expense. Creators take care of not just themselves but other people and their lives; creator’s care is realistic and always performed at his/her own expense. Dreamers also take care of others as well as of themselves, while this care is not supported by any coverage; it’s usually performed not by a Dreamer him/herself but by somebody else with enough resources.

The method describes not types of identity, but types of life approach and types of behavior in every particular situation. The typology is not meant to be used as a diagnostic or therapeutical method. Its goal is solely educational, helping people arrange and organize their lives in a more ethical, healthy way.

Classifying yourself within the typology, it’s crucial to differentiate various situational roles, life tactics, and life values.

E.g., a person can mostly act as a Dreamer, turning into a Creator in a particular situation, while his/her real goal is to live a life of a Consumer.

The typology is absolutely prosaic and earthy, and it’s so easy to comprehend and use. Now, take an ordinary case at the bus station. A long line of people waiting for the bus, and finally it’s coming…

  • Here is a man, waiting patiently, observing the line’s order. But once it’s his turn, he won’t ever let someone else pass him by! The only person who he’s caring for here is himself. He doesn’t mind anybody else, still honestly following the rules and thus keeping his own rights protected. He is a Consumer.
  • Another man has just skipped the queue, pushing away an old lady. It was a Parasite. He minds himself only, and he likes to live at others' expense.
  • The third guy in the story is fairly keeping the queue but swearing on how people are bad-mannered nowadays and how everybody suffers from the lack of public transport. He is a Dreamer. He is eager to make everyone happy but never does anything for that.
  • While the fourth one just let the old lady pass ahead of him, looking after her to not be squeezed in the crowd. The fourth is a Creator. He takes care of others too and does it at his own expense.

A Consumer ethocitype always lives for him/herself, yet respecting the law and people's rights. Not enough money? He just goes and earns them. Anybody else run for his/her position? A consumer will fight for it in a fair contest. And when he gets his money, he celebrates and spends them on his preferences, not caring about other people's needs and opinions.

Consumers still may have the ones they care about. Consumers choose their closest circle of people, where it's ""one for all and all for one"" and they will never betray each other. (see more →)

A Parasite concerns just for him/herself, not caring for others. And more than that, parasites can always speculate and profit by others. If Parasites need money, they will simply scrounge them or even steal. When it’s time to work, Parasites will search for a possibility to get rid of this work, putting it on somebody else’s shoulders... as well as to trip a competitor up using any possible means. Parasites always get in good with the mighty ones, betraying them at first sight of danger.

Well, a Parasite would call it in the different words: “You should take care of yourself first! No one is as valuable to you as you”.

A Dreamer is the one who cares about the common welfare. Dreamer’s heart always responds to the needs of those who are close to him/her. Dreamer ethicotype wishes everything to be done in the right way, with kind and glory. Yet, he/she has no idea who is going to make those changes. Who exactly is going to pay for that? It’s not of a Dreamer’s concern. A Dreamer is sure that someone else has to do it.

Notice that the method defines a Dreamer as a person who cares about him/herself at someone else's expense, but not such a called romantic type of art and literature figure (Translator’s note: originally, a dreamer is called a “romantic” in the Russian source).

Conventional work is a heavy burden for a Dreamer. He sees the job as something inspiring, as a favorite deed of his life. He is ready to give away his very last shirt expecting somebody to wear it. A Dreamer would easily shelter ten cats and argue later with neighbors not comfortable with a stinky smell. What else? A Dreamer writes charming love poems hoping somebody else will publish it one day. Which not at his or her expense, of course. Usually, a dreamer is a beautiful and fair person, but in a lack of a realistic mind, he doesn’t think of the consequences and cannot plan his further steps properly.

Creators naturally care for many: themselves, the closest ones, and everybody else if possible. A Creator is a strong realist; everything he does, he does only at his own expense. These two factors limit the Creator’s possibility to take care of everyone in the world. Creators set high goals. He works not just to profit rather for a concept or a mission. In this term, he won’t ever sell alcohol or drugs. He is an honest and decent person earning money for the sake of creating something valuable.

Not everyone actually likes Creators. Family won’t always be happy that their Creator cares for strangers too. Besides, it’s hard to encourage him to party, celebrate, or just take a short vacation since a Creator is always at work.

These ways of living describe not identity types but rather a philosophy of life and a situational behavior. Let’s say, a man acting like a Dreamer will express himself as a Creator in a particular situation. Meanwhile, his real goal is to live the life of a Consumer. Each of us might be a Creator, a Dreamer, or play any other role during a day.

In what way can the axes, the base of this typology, be applied to the different levels’ identities? How should we correct the method according to various life situations? See further information in the “Ethicotypes Theory” article. We should take into consideration kids, women, and older people who often exist at other people’s expense. Would it be correct to call them parasites? Obviously, not. We should always be attentive to the context.

How can you define your or another person’s type? Considering all the four types express themselves differently in different situations, it would be reasonable to answer a list of questions and get certain answers. It’s also acceptable to perform the proactive ethycotype test.

Human Life Approaches


Hard and Dangerous Situations

How Shares

Who Cares About




Protests and run away from it (“You cannot live like that!”)

In an altruistic way (another life is always more valuable than his own)

- Love to everyone

- Independence

- Affection

Everyone deserves to live better (“And those hungry children in Angola too!”)

Brings gifts to children and unfortunate ones.


Saves others as long as he can

Administrating (makes decisions that benefit everybody)

- Creates his inner circle

- Serves to the worthy ones

Work is first (“Time off just doesn’t exist”)

Invests into a promising future.


Survives and saves himself first

In an honest and egoistic way. He fights for his own win.

Devotion to his pack

A better life for him and his people (“Enjoy and relax!”)

Looks for lawful and fair prosperity.


Suffers and begs someone else to save him

Dishonesty (“It’s either me or no one”)

Toady and betrayer

Let’s celebrate! (“My fun and prosperity is first, nothing else matters”)

Looks for luck and freebie

The old-good “Rear Window” by Alfred Hitchcock can serve you as an example of the typology. Jeff, the main character, is a typical Consumer. Most of his life, he cares about his interests, not taking into consideration the needs of the woman he is in love with. Not counting on anybody else but himself, Jeff fights for his work fairly. As a photographer, he is ready to take a photoset with a broken leg to not give his position up to a competitor.

Liza, Jeff’s girlfriend, acts as a Creator. Living at her own expense, she generously shares it with others. Liza helps Jeff to recover in any possible way, taking care of him. But she still protects her interests, not allowing Jeff to overuse her kindness.

Stella, Jeff’s nurse, mostly looks like a Creator. But she also acts as a Dremer from time to time wishing everybody was happy, deprecating Jeff’s hobby to spy on his neighbors, still trying to stay aside.

The role of a Parasite goes to Mr. Thorwald whose wife has disappeared. First, he seems to be a Creator, working, and taking care of his ill wife. But then, his parasite side is being displayed as he kills his wife, steals her jewelry to sell, and even dares to kill the neighbor’s dog to hide his wife’s murder.