Magic shower

If you don't shower in cold water, it's only because you either haven't tried it, or you didn't do it correctly. Then I'll tell you how to do it correctly.
First, warm up. If you have done a half-hour run, if you have physically warmed up, your joints are already alive, you have breathed properly - you have warmed up. And you can get in the shower!

Фільм "Екіпаж" "

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The shower also starts with a hot shower. A comfortable temperature, but warmer to warm yourself up as much as possible.

Now - a very important point: hard rubbing! I once bought brushes for combing the hair of dogs, they are made of plastic - and I have not found anything better for rubbing the body since then. Rubbing with them without water feels not very pleasant, but under the water - the body just ascends! So, under hot water, you rubbed the whole body to go into the state of a pink Piglet. This means that you have revived your vessels.
You may think that the movement of blood through your blood vessels is provided by the work of the heart - but this is not entirely true. The body and head-Yes, this is the territory under the control of the heart, but the heart's power is no longer enough for the hands and feet. The blood reaches the extremities as a result of the work of your vessels, which work, contract and push the blood like small hearts. But they do this only while they are awake and alive, and they need help. Rub yourself every day so that fresh blood flows through your blood vessels, nourishes them, and the vessels rejuvenate your entire body!

Now pour cold, very cold, as icy as possible water into the bucket. The colder, the better: cool water cools the body, but not invigorates, and ice water launches the body's internal reserves, adrenaline and endorphins - hormones of energy and joy-are sprayed into the blood, and you just do not freeze, but warm up from the inside.
While the water is filling, do a full yoga breath and you can train your abs by pulling it in to the full. The bucket is ready, sit down, exhale (exhale!) - rise on pause, start on the inhale (on the inhale!) tip the bucket over your head and face, trying to reach for this water that is falling on you, collect it as much as possible with your body , and put the empty bucket together with the exhalation. Exhale! Straighten up (inhale) - Yes! Hands RUB the face and shoulders, the height is taken!
Yes, when dousing, be sure to drench your head. Pouring on your chest is a very controversial and not the most pleasant practice. In the end, wear a shower cap, but the shock of ice water should take your head!
We take pre-prepared hard Terry towels, RUB the whole body tightly again: RUB the face again this time with a towel, the face is fully alive, then RUB the whole body with another towel - and you are ready to live!

There are still pull-UPS on the horizontal bar - and no one is more beautiful and cheerful than you!