Міжнародні психологічні асоціації та видання

International Social Science Council (ISSC) UNESCO Здається, це цікаво.


Association for Psychological Science (APS)

  • членство
  • Psychological Science
  • Current Directions in Psychological Science
  • Psychological Science in the Public Interest
  • Perspectives on Psychological Science


European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)

  • членство
  • European Health Psychologist
  • Health Psychology Review


International Association of Applied Psychology

  • Applied Psychology
  • авторство


Видавництво Blackwell Publishing

  • Developmental Science
  • Journal of Personality
  • Journal of Social Issues
  • Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
  • Language and Mind


International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS)

  • членство

Наскільки я зрозумів, там від країни може бути тільки один член, і там зараз зареєстровано якесь Російське психологічне товариство.

  • International Journal of Psychology
  • авторство


International Council of Psychologists

  • членство


Society for Personality and Social Psychology

  • членство
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin


  • Personality and Social Psychology Review



International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)

  • членство
  • International Journal of Behavioral Development


International Society of Research on Emotion (ISRE)

  • членство
  • Emotion Review


International Association for Relationship Research

  • членство
  • Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


Видавництво SAGE

Дехто з цих журналів видається.

  • Behavior Modification
  • Culture & Psychology
  • Educational and Psychological Measurement
  • Emotion Review
  • Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
  • International Journal of Behavioral Development
  • Journal of Career Development
  • Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
  • Personality and Social Psychology Review
  • Psychology & Developing Societies
  • Small Group Research
  • Theory & Psychology


European Association of Experimental Social Psychology

  • членство
  • European Journal of Social Psychology
  • European Review of Social Psychology
  • European Monographs of Social Psychology
  • European Bulletin of Social Psychology


European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)

  • членство (начебто безкоштовне)
  • European Journal of Personality


European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)

  • членство


European Federation of Professional Psychologists Associations (EFPA)

  • European Psychologist


European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA)

  • European Journal of Psychological Assessment


European Association of Methodology

  • членство
  • Methodology


Видавництво Hogrefe & Huber

Дехто з цих журналів видається.

  • European Journal of Psychological Assessment
  • European Psychologist
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Journal of Individual Differences
  • Journal of Media Psychology
  • Methodology


International Test Commission (ITC)

  • членство
  • International Journal of Testing (IJT)


Видавництво Taylor & Francis

  • International Journal of Testing
  • Journal of Personality Assessment
  • Metaphor and Symbol
  • Multivariate Behavioral Research
  • Psychological Inquiry
  • Qualitative Research in Psychology
  • The Humanistic Psychologist
  • The Journal of Sex Research
  • Applied Developmental Science
  • Attachment & Human Development
  • European Journal of Developmental Psychology
  • Journal of Constructivist Psychology
  • Research in Human Development
  • Cognition & Emotion
  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • International Journal of Psychology
  • Reflective Practice
  • Self and Identity
  • The Journal of Positive Psychology
  • Culture, Health & Sexuality
  • Identity
  • Self and Identity
  • Social Influence
  • Atlantic Journal of Communication
  • Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies
  • Communication Methods and Measures
  • Communication Monographs
  • Communication Quarterly
  • Communication Reports
  • Communication Research Reports
  • Communication Studies
  • Howard Journal of Communications
  • International Journal of Strategic Communication
  • Journal of Family Communication
  • Qualitative Research Reports in Communication
  • The Communication Review
  • The Review of Communication
  • Community, Work & Family
  • Ethics & Behavior
  • Philosophical Psychology


International Society for Comparative Psychology (ISCP)

  • International Journal of Comparative Psychology


Association for Behavior Analysis International


Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)


Society of General and Theoretical Psychology